Kelsey Reviews: “Blue is the Warmest Colour” (2013)

My Rating: 3.0/5.0

It was the blue hair of a cute girl that first caught troubled high schooler Adéle’s eye. But for me, the first thing that caught my eye in this movie was the unorganized (but interesting) plot. Adèle only wants love, and she’s curious as to what it’s like with a woman. Being kissed once by a peer just for fun, she realizes that’s the love she wants. Emma, a lesbian in her town, piques her interest and as Adèle gets to know her, she knows this is something she wants. This story “La vie d’Adèle”  (Also known as “Blue is the Warmest Colour”) follows the life of their love; how it begins and what happens throughout the time they have together.

For me, the movie had a lot of plot holes and was not as outstanding as the critics said it was; not worth all the awards. This film won 45 awards and was nominated 35 times, in total during the years of 2013 and 2014. It wasn’t the best foreign movie I’ve ever seen, but it wasn’t the worst. It had a cute plot line, but just too many unanswered questions. I personally am 100% pro-LGBT. If you are against the lesbian/gay community, I would suggest to stop reading here, this movie is not for you.

Most of my problems with the film were because of its major plot holes. In the movie, when Emma and Adèle get together, we never find out what happened to Emma’s girlfriend. She had a girlfriend at the time but we never know what went on with her and where she went. She just kind of…faded away from the story leaving us with questions about it. There are a few more instances like this within the movie, but was it purposely? Was it meant to show that the characters that got lost weren’t important enough to draw a conclusion to them? It’s like ending a story in mid-sentence; and leaves you wanting to know more about –

The movie is rated NC-17 due to the immense amount of nudity/sex scenes. These seem like they’re thrown in at random and are not needed when they are put into the movie. It is fine for one or two or even if it is implied, but this kind of ruined the romance factor/feel of the movie. There is no dialogue within these 8-10 minute, therefore I’m sure the writers could have added more to the story instead of these. Or even taking them out as a whole, seeing as how the movie itself is almost exactly three hours. The movie has a few long parts, more than should be in a movie, and this may be because there wasn’t a lot of dialogue. Many awkward silences were within the film, and they could’ve saved a ton time had they not had so many of them. Some are fine, of course, but this isn’t a very suspenseful movie, there could have been a lot less.

Now, the movie is not all mistakes and cliffhangers. Though I personally rated the movie 3.0/5.0, there are still some up-sides to the film. The plot is one of the cutest, with a realistic ending and a bit of a twist that wasn’t expected by me. I love the idea of two people falling in love by chance, and the movie’s more of a chick-flick than anything, but if you like foreign films, the French in the film is beautiful. I would recommend it to people to watch it and hear opinions on it. Was it as great as all the critics thought? I think it’s a bit overrated, but a great storyline.

Blue is the Warmest Colour